Our Story

Let's be honest, life can get a little bit hectic. Sometimes we become so busy that rather than God being first on our list, He becomes an afterthought...something we'll get to "if we have time".  As we all know, "if we have time" quickly becomes "we just don't have time", and before we know it we can't remember the last time we truly reflected on God's Word. Friend, I've fallen into that trap far too many times myself. I would attend church, hear the profound preachings of our Pastor, and make a mental note to remember the tidbits that stood out - but within minutes of leaving the sanctuary, those morsels of Truth were drowned out by the chaos of life. 

It is not just important that we take time out of our busy schedules to spend devoted time reflecting on God's Word - it is essential to our spiritual growth. It wasn't until I made a conscious effort to take diligent sermon notes - and set aside time to reflect on them - that I truly felt The Lord moving in my life.

Every minute that we spend with God is important, so how can we make the MOST out of our time with God? In order to live a life that truly honors Him, we have to do more. We have to take time to be still, to reflect, and to document His teachings so that we can then apply them to our lives. When we set aside time to genuinely listen to sermons, to take diligent notes, to study, and to pray on what we've learned - we're taking time to listen to God and to be still, so that we can truly hear what He is saying to us.

Applying these habits in my own life grew my relationship with The Lord in ways I never could have imagined and inspired to create my own sermon notebooks. Soon after, God spoke to me that it is His will that I serve as a conduit for spiritual growth, renewal, and the spread of God's love. From that calling, Grace & Glory was created. It is my prayer that our products are not just items; but that they inspire you to create long lasting habits that nurture your relationship with The Lord and draw you closer to Him.

I am looking forward to sharing all that is to come as we continue our faith journey, together. 



Brianna Starnes
Grace & Glory